MOZART Call for Innovation for the industry of the future is the initiative of the Interreg-Mozart project, dedicated to innovative startups in the European region, with a concrete objective: to accelerate their growth and internationalization by connecting and matching with high level manufacturing companies in regions of Italy and Austria: South Tyrol-Trentino-Veneto-Tyrol-Carinthia.

MOZART Call for Innovation is an opportunity for European startups to collaborate with innovative companies from the neighboring regions of Italy and Austria. The goal is to stimulate economic growth and promote technological innovation through the implementation of innovative solutions and technologies for environmental sustainability and digitalization.

The Interreg MOZART project is part of the Interreg VI-Italy-Austria cooperation program, co-financed by the European Union, whose objective is to strengthen a cross-border ecosystem of start-ups and investors in the South Tyrol-Trentino-Veneto-Tyrol-Carinthia regions. Partners in this project include Trentino Sviluppo, Build!, IDM Alto Adige, MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, Maize, NOI Techpark Alto Adige, H-Farm, and Industrio Ventures.


MOZART Call for Innovation is for all startups and technological project that:

– Have a solution that is market-ready or in the final stages of development;

– Are active in the fields of digitalization or sustainability:
The area of digitalization includes hardware and AI-enabled solutions: technologies of IoT, mechatronics, Industry 4.0, robotics, predictive maintenance, knowledge management, human-machine interfaces, automation of customer touchpoints, and related fields.
The area of sustainability includes solutions for energy and waste management, ESG-regulation, water and waste treatment, product life-cycle management, tracing and monitor of material flow, sustainable packaging, and related fields.

– Want to collaborate with selected leading companies who have expressed they interested to test and adopt emerging and innovative technologies in the fields of digitalization and sustainability.

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All selected projects will have the opportunity to:

– Collaborate and show their product and solution in front of leading corporations such as Autotest, Galdi, Markas, Nice, MRK Group, Pestnet Europe, Pfeifer Group, Rotho Blaas, Val d’Oca;

– Evaluate how to apply your technologies in real-world settings, demonstrating the feasibility and impact within corporate clients;

– Establish a presence in Austria and Italy promoting your internationalization and matching with references in the Interreg region (South Tyrol-Trentino-Veneto-Tyrol-Carinthia);

– Connect and be part of the Interreg cross-border ecosystem of investors and actors in the innovation aligned with your industry;

– Expand your network to grow your business opportunities for international visibility;

– Participate in online and in-person matching meetings with the leading corporations selected by the Mozart project team.


To submit your application, you must apply by filling out this simple form on the F6S platform [LINK].
Ensure your solution addresses one or more areas of digitalization or sustainability and is market-ready or in the final stages of development.

Registration is open, ending on 10-December-24
Due to the great interest in the call, it has been decided to extend the deadline until 31-January-25.

The selected projects will connect online with the Mozart project team and will be submitted to the attention of the companies involved in the program.

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  • interreg

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