

Industrio Ventures wants to help promoting in Italy the authentic culture of innovative entrepreneurship, able to foster a fruitful and constructive dialogue between the neighboring ecosystems of enterprises, academy and research, startups and young people. A particular focus is put on forefront themes such as Artificial Intelligence and IoT and to the flagships of the Made in Italy, such as design and foodtech.

Industrio Ventures organizes over the year the Industrio Talks, the Industrio Hardware Classes and the Industrio Coffee&Pitch.

In person events will be organized and managed by Industrio Ventures in accordance with the current COVID-19 provisions.

After the great success of  the Industrio Day online on June 17, will be held new Industrio Talk and Industrio Coffee & Pitch in digital format with some of the entrepreneurial, techno-scientific and financial protagonists of Italian hardware innovation.


For further information, please send an email to


Industrio Talks are invite-only events about cutting edge topics such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, the future of automotive, biotech’s new trends and so on. During the Industrio Talks, high level speakers from the industry, the academy and the research environment confront each other in front of a selected public of entrepreneurs, investors, business angels and startuppers.

No scheduled events


The Hardware Classes are packed and intense training days, during which experts from different sectors and representatives of the companies in the Industrio Network teach young aspiring entrepreneurs how to successfully go through the different steps of creating a product startup.
The goal is to offer talented PhDs, graduates and undergraduates the tools, models and contacts to begin the creation of a successful physical product startup.

No scheduled events


Coffee&Pitch are invite-only events that offer high level startups the opportunity to pitch in front of important industrial and technological counterparts. The goal for the startups is to receive precious feedbacks and to expand their network.

No scheduled events


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